Antelope Slot Canyon Upper Or Lower

Antelope Slot Canyon Upper Or Lower 7,3/10 1302 reviews
  1. Antelope Slot Canyon Upper Or Lower Gwynedd
  2. Antelope Slot Canyon Upper Or Lowercase

It’s safe to say that we’ve never seen anything like Upper and Lower Antelope Canyon. These slots canyons are simply incredible and look like works of art carved out of the desert. Once you begin to walk through these narrow, winding canyons, you’ll feel like you’re entering another world.

>>> Antelope Canyon Tours

However, you won’t be alone. These slot canyons in Arizona are insanely popular and we’ve heard horror stories about how busy they can get (have a look on Youtube and you’ll see the carnage). If you go in high season (April to October) you may have to book your tickets up to four months in advance.

A ray of light in Upper Antelope Canyon Difference Between Upper and Lower Antelope Canyon. At first glance, Upper and Lower Canyon look similar – two sandstone slot canyons, with waves and rock formation created by the action of wind and water through the centuries. Lower Antelope Canyon entry is located a short walking distance from the tour company headquarters. Cost of Tours – Lower vs Upper Antelope Canyon. Furthermore, there is a considerable difference in price between the tours offered at Upper Antelope Canyon vs Lower Antelope Canyon. Upper vs Lower Antelope Canyon What is Upper Antelope Canyon? Upper Antelope Canyon is a slot canyon carved out of the Navajo Sandstone rock and was the place where the most expensive photo ever sold was taken – (Peter Lik’s “The ghost”) – for over $6 million. It is the most famous of the two canyons because of the highly distinctive.

With their huge surge in popularity has inevitably come an equally huge price increase, so you may not want to spend over $100 per person to visit them both. We decided we did want to see both so here are our thoughts on Upper vs Lower Antelope Canyon to help you make an informed choice.

Upper vs Lower Antelope Canyon

What is Upper Antelope Canyon?

Upper Antelope Canyon is a slot canyon carved out of the Navajo Sandstone rock and was the place where the most expensive photo ever sold was taken – (Peter Lik’s “The ghost”) – for over $6 million. It is the most famous of the two canyons because of the highly distinctive light beams and the incredibly high canyon walls, which are very photogenic.

What is Lower Antelope Canyon

Lower Antelope Canyon starts about three miles away from Upper Antelope Canyon and used to be the less popular canyon to visit but lately its visitor numbers have dramatically surged. It is pretty similar to Upper Antelope Canyon in many ways except the canyon walls aren’t quite as deep (high). You won’t get such vivid light beams as at Upper, but there are plenty of positives that make this canyon well worth visiting.

Which is the most picturesque canyon?

If you have never seen a slot canyon before, you will love either Upper or Lower Antelope Canyon. Both are incredible places to explore and we really enjoyed them both. However, that’s not why you’re reading this blog!

Upper Antelope Canyon

Upper Antelope Canyon blew us away – it is truly unique, even among all the other slots canyons in Arizona. There’s something about this place that feels so special and has been attracting professional photographers for years.

>>> Upper Antelope Canyon Tours

As Upper Antelope Canyon’s walls are a lot higher than Lower Antelope’s this makes it the most awe inspiring. There are patches that are really, really dark, but this adds to the mystery and allure of the place. Plus the lighter sections are stunning and create all kinds of shapes and formations to enjoy.

Light beams in Upper Antelope Canyon

If light beams are what you are looking for, then head to Upper Antelope Canyon. In the words of a Lower Antelope tour guide Upper’s light beams blows Lower’s out the water. Note that you will only see those famous shafts of light, during April to October and only at specific times of day. Consult the tour companies for when this will happen and prepare to have to pay more for it (yep, it gets a whole lot more expensive).

Lower Antelope Canyon

Lower Antelope Canyon is a beautiful place to enjoy, but it doesn’t quite match Upper. The canyon has some incredible formations and places where the light struggles to get in, but it isn’t quite on the same level as Upper Antelope Canyon.

>>> Lower Antelope Canyon Tours

We also loved the sections where you had a bit more space than Upper Antelope Canyon, so you almost had a corridor of slot canyon.

Antelope Slot Canyon Upper Or Lower Gwynedd

Light beams

Sadly, Lower Antelope Canyon doesn’t get very dramatic light beams as it isn’t deep or dark enough. You may get some depending on time of year and day but it won’t be in the same league as those at Upper Antelope.

Upper vs Lower Antelope Canyon picturesque

We would say that Upper Antelope Canyon is the more picturesque of the two and will take your breath away (especially if you visit in the summer and get those light beams). However, both are very beautiful so remember we are comparing two exceptional slot canyons!

Walk length and difficulty

Upper Antelope Canyon Difficulty

Antelope slot canyon upper or lower gwynedd

It doesn’t get much flatter than Upper Antelope Canyon! You start the walk at ground level and there’s not a step, ladder or slope for the entire tour. At no point does it get especially narrow or require any manoeuvring.

Simply put, you won’t have any problems whatsoever with Upper Antelope Canyon. The entire walk is 0.5 miles and is extremely easy going.

This can be a positive or negative depending on what you are looking for, this is not an adventurous canyon which will please some and disappoint others.

Lower Antelope Canyon Difficulty

We wouldn’t say Lower Antelope Canyon is hard, but it requires more effort than Upper Antelope Canyon. The tour starts by going down a 75 foot (25 metre) set of stairs and also has a few ladders along the way. There are sections which get a little narrow, but on the whole it shouldn’t be anything to worry about.

The entire canyon is 1.5 miles long, but unless you are worried about ladders or have mobility concerns, we think you won’t have a problem with Lower Antelope Canyon.

Upper vs Lower Antelope Canyon Difficulty

Neither canyon is difficult, but if you are concerned then go to Upper Antelope Canyon. This is completely flat, short and has no ladders or narrow sections. If that all sounds a bit too easy for you, you will prefer Lower Antelope.

Tours/Amount of people


Sadly you can only visit Upper or Lower Antelope Canyon with a guide and you’re likely to be joined by many other people (some groups can get as high as 40 people and multiple operators are taking tours through at the same time).

Upper Antelope Canyon Tours

Tours to Upper Antelope Canyon last for an hour and are by far the most popular of the two. There are four companies operating here and even in February (low season), we saw a lot of tour groups here being squeezed through the canyon. This made the canyon feel really crowded at points and hard to get photos without someone walking into it. No matter what time of year you go, Upper Antelope Canyon will be busy, there is no avoiding it. However at least in low season we did have some moments where if we kept to the front of our group there was no one in front of us and you could snatch a moment of peace in this exceptionally beautiful place.

We were told that in peak season Upper Antelope Canyon has as many as 10,000 people a day! That’s nearly 1,000 people an hour cramming into 0.25 miles of slot canyon….

What makes this worse is that you start and finish at the same place, so there is two-way traffic all the way through. As it gets pretty busy, the tour leaders will start shouting for people to move on, stop taking photos and become more like crowd control than a guide. For someone who likes taking their time (especially in a place as beautiful as Upper Antelope Canyon) this was a real let down.

The tour wasn’t very personal or friendly. Our guide did point out some features and pictures to take, but was more mindful about getting us moving. We actually can’t imagine how it would be in high season!

Lower Antelope Canyon Tours

Lower Antelope Canyon only has two tour companies operating (Dixie Ellis and Ken’s Tours) and isn’t quite as popular as Upper Antelope Canyon. Our tour guide said that in January (the time he believes is the quietest) he took a tour where only one person was booked on it! That lucky guy was able to have the whole canyon to himself!

Tours here last 1.5 hours, mainly because the canyon is longer. When we visited in February we were in a group of eight (with four others) and the canyon was quiet enough for our tour guide to give us a lot of freedom to go ahead and find places for ourselves. It was considerably quieter and we only saw people around every 10 minutes, so we were able to explore on our own and get plenty of photos without anyone else in them. Now this isn’t common and we were told how lucky we were. If you can visit in January or February you should hopefully also experience this and believe us, it is magical! Once you’ve seen those Youtube videos you will truly see how fortune you are.


As Lower Antelope Canyon runs as a one-way system, you don’t have the same struggles as Upper Antelope Canyon. In peak season it will be very busy, but you won’t have people walking head on towards you.

Our tour guide for this trip was the best we’d ever had, anywhere in the world. He took into consideration our desire to get photos and have independence, so he let us go ahead and organise ourselves whilst making sure we didn’t miss a single epic spot or interesting angle to shoot. He was enthusiastic, helpful, considerate and allowed everyone to get what they wanted from the tour. Plus a bottle of water at the end was a nice touch.

Upper vs Lower Antelope Canyon Tours

Lower Antelope Canyon is far better for a more relaxing tour. Upper Antelope Canyon is smaller, runs a lot more tours and has a two-way system that exacerbates the problem.

The tours guides in Lower seemed to be friendlier and got a lot better reactions from the groups than Upper. While people on an Upper Antelope Canyon tour were getting shouted at for moving too slowly, the Lower Antelope tours were playful and more enthusiastic.

Photo opportunities

Upper Antelope Canyon Photo opportunities

Upper Antelope Canyon is undeniably picturesque and a photographer’s dream. If you’ve seen slot canyon screensavers on Windows or full page images on National Geographic, it is likely that it was taken in Upper Antelope Canyon (although Apple did use one from Lower!).

However, you will need a tripod to get these kinds of photos and these are banned on anything but a photography tour (more on that later) . Upper Antelope Canyon is a very very dark place and is incredibly frustrating if you plan on taking photos handheld. I was lucky to ever get a shot under 1,000 ISO and sometimes it struggled to get a shot at 12,800 (which is a grainy and blurry setting)! You can’t use a flash either to make things easier.

When you add all the crowds, Upper Antelope Canyon can be a very very frustrating place to photograph as even when you have nice light you’ll probably get someone standing in your shot just as you get shouted at to keep moving. You may be able to get a chance to shoot light beams in the summer, but without a tripod it will be a very difficult task. I spent a lot of the time shooting upwards, praying that some of them weren’t grainy or out of focus.

You are only allowed to take photos in one direction for Upper Antelope Canyon as they don’t allow you to shoot on the way back. This meant we only had 30-40 minutes to take photos of an hour long tour. Hardly ideal.

Upper Antelope Canyon Photography Tours

If you really want to get a clean shot without a high ISO, then an Upper Canyon Photography tour is the only way to go. You will be able to bring your tripod along (but we don’t think you’re allowed a bag) and the tour is twice as long to give you more time to take the shots you want. You will have to pay over double for this privilege, but if you get that perfect shot it’s worth it.

Sounds good right?

Well, apart from you’re in there with every tour group. The photography tours don’t get special treatment, so you will have hundreds of people squeezing past your tripods and trying to get their own handheld photos. We felt sorry for the poor guys who would compose a shot and then have a gap of a couple of seconds to shoot. Every photography group we saw ended up shooting the sky as this was the only shot they could get uninterrupted (well, they still had to constantly make way for the groups).

If I had a choice again, I would have taken a photography tour, but it wouldn’t have been the peace and tranquility you’d normally get on a photography tour. Essentially you are paying for double the time and the right to bring a tripod. We have heard sometimes the guides hold groups back to give you a few moments to shoot but that’s as good as it gets.

If you want to get a person in your shot this will be extremely difficult as you will be mainly with landscape photographers who do not want you standing in their frame!

Lower Antelope Canyon Photo opportunities

You’re not allowed tripods in Lower Antelope Canyon either, but the great news is that you won’t need one! As Lower Antelope Canyon is a lot lighter, you can comfortably take handheld photos and not have to worry about your ISO going through the roof and getting grainy/blurry photos.

Added to this, the less people in the canyon and you have a much easier time. We were able to find space to get some shots and have time to think about what we wanted to shoot. As it is a one-way route, you can also shoot for the entire 1 hour 30. We didn’t feel rushed, pressured and panicked into getting a shot in Lower Antelope Canyon and even had plenty of time to put the camera down and enjoy the canyon.

Our experience was made better by going in February, things are more rushed in peak season.

Upper vs Lower Antelope Canyon Photos

This is a tricky one to judge as I know the photos from Upper Antelope Canyon would have been a lot better on a photography tour and during the light beam season. I fully admit, that the dream shots are from the Upper Canyon.

However, I struggled to enjoy it on a normal tour. The Upper Canyon was very dark, crowded and the pressure of the tour guides shouting at you made it hard to enjoy. Add in the policy of only being able to take photos in one-direction and I would have to say it was a disappointment.

This is why Lower Antelope Canyon is our favourite for photos. You don’t need a tripod and have more space and time. You don’t need to be an award winning photographer with a tripod to get a great shot here! We just simply enjoyed the photo taking process here more.

Which one should you visit?

The cop out answer is both! We loved both Upper and Lower Antelope Canyon as both are unique and slot canyons are just amazing places to explore.

However, if you were to only do one then we’d side towards Lower Antelope Canyon. As there are fewer people who visit, you get a lot longer in the canyon and better conditions for handheld photography, we enjoyed this more than Upper Antelope Canyon. The guides were better and it was just a nicer experience all round.

If you can cope with crowds and are desperate to get that million dollar photo, then hop on a photography tour and pray the crowd gods are in your favour at Upper.

Alternatives to Upper Antelope Canyon and Lower Antelope Canyon

Waterholes Canyon

If you can’t get on either Antelope Canyon tour – or just fancy a much quieter slot canyon – then head to Waterholes. This slot canyon has only just introduced a tours only requirement (grrrrr) but the benefit is that a lot fewer people know about it.

When we visited, we were literally the only people on our tour and we’re quite sure the only people visiting all day. This means you can enjoy it without the crowds, pressure or hassle of a tour guide watching the clock. We were given 1.5 hours to do the whole canyon which was very generous. The canyons are stunning and the trip is a lot of fun with a touch more adventure than either Upper or Lower Antelope Canyon.

Getting to Upper and Lower Antelope Canyon

You can only access either canyon on a tour which can sell out a long way in advance, so book as early as you can – don’t expect to be able to rock up and hop on the next tour. Both Upper and Lower Antelope Canyons are best accessed from Page which is a 10 – 15 minute drive away. All the other major areas to stay are at least 2 hours + away. While in Page you can also visit the stunning Horseshoe Bend, Lake Powell, the Toadstools and a couple of walking trails, making it worth staying for at least a couple of nights.

Warning – Are you a blogger or photographer?

If you want to publish a picture of either Upper or Lower Antelope Canyon on your website or even on a social media channel you must have a photography permit. This is the case whether you make any money from your blog or social media or not.

These permits cost $50 if you order it ahead of time or $200 if you order it retrospectively.

You can pick up the permit in person in their office in Page (location is 337 North Navajo Drive – you can see it on the map below)or you can apply in writing.

We were able to get our permit immediately on going into the Page office but they said applications made in writing can take up to a week to process. You must have a tour booked to apply as they send the permission ahead to your tour company.

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Upper vs Lower Antelope Canyon – which one if better? After spending COUNTLESS hours researching which one to visit, we decided to go to both – and here we’ll help you decide which tour is better!

We are all for travelling off the beaten path. However, sometimes, there’s a reason why famous sights attract lots of visitors, so many in fact that complex admission systems are put in place to manage the visitor influx – because they’re beautiful.

This is the case of Antelope Canyon, one of the best known sights in the Navajo Nation, not far from Monument Valley. I bet anyone who’s seen an image of it has wanted to visit – and naturally, we did, too.

I bet many people don’t know that there’s actually TWO separate Antelope CanyonsUpper and Lower, which are actually quite different in terms of looks and experiences.

Naturally, you can visit both Upper and Lower Antelope Canyon – but most people tend to only opt for one. So, we’ve decided to do the groundwork for you and visit both.

There’s no single answer to which is better between Lower and Upper Antelope Canyon. Both slot canyons have their pros and cons – read on to find out about them both, plus lots of practical info and tips about how to visit Antelope Canyon!


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Where is Antelope Canyon?

Both Lower and Upper Antelope Canyon are located in the LeChee Chapter of the Navajo Nation in Arizona, about 5 miles out of Page.

Both canyons are located on Navajo-owned lands, and in both cases, it’s compulsory to visit the canyons with a Navajo guide.

If end up with a great guide like we did at Lower Antelope Canyon, this will really make your experience unforgettable – our guide shared stories of his childhood in the area, and how it has changed since the arrival of tourists.

Difference Between Upper and Lower Antelope Canyon

At first glance, Upper and Lower Canyon look similar – two sandstone slot canyons, with waves and rock formation created by the action of wind and water through the centuries.

Looking closely, you’ll notice the two canyons have a very different shapeUpper Antelope Canyon is shaped like an A, narrow at the top and wider at the bottom, creating the light beam effect that made its famous.

Lower Antelope Canyon is the opposite – it has a V shape, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. It’s also a bit trickier to get around, with really narrow passages and the need to climb some stairs.

Let’s have a look at Upper vs Lower Antelope Canyon in detail!

What to see in Upper Antelope Canyon

Upper Antelope Canyon is THE Antelope Canyon, the one made famous by Windows 7 screen savers, millions of Instagram pictures, and also the subject of the world’s most expensive photo ever sold.

The main reason to visit Upper Antelope Canyon is to see the iconic light beams and cascading sand effects, making for some truly spectacular pictures.

You’ll also see incredible formations and shapes in the sandstone walls, and see up close how the action of wind and water created the canyon – but this is something you can also see at Lower Antelope Canyon.

Upper Antelope Canyon Pros

-It’s More Photogenic

Remember how I said that when people talk about Antelope Canyon, they usually refer to Upper? That is because Upper Antelope Canyon is the more photogenic of the two, creating eerie light effects thanks to its A shape.

-It’s The One with Light Beams

Are you visiting Antelope Canyon because you want some pictures of the iconic light beams? Then, head straight to Upper – but make sure you’re visiting between March and November, and book a ‘prime time’ tour between 11 am and 1 pm, when the sun is close to its zenith – making it easier to create light beams.

Needless to say, if you’re visiting on a cloudy day, there will be no light beams – but luckily, Arizona is a sunny place! In winter you’re also less likely to see them.

Upper Antelope Canyon is also frequently visited to take pictures of ‘cascading sand’. Bear in mind that this is not a natural phenomenon, but a photo opportunity created by guides by placing handfuls of sand on the edge of a sloping rock.

-There are No Stairs

Upper Antelope Canyon is also the best option for people with mobility problems, since the canyon bottom is wide and sandy and there’s little to no walking involved to reach the canyon itself.

Upper Antelope Canyon Cons

-It’s More Expensive

Since it’s the most popular option, Upper Antelope Canyon is also considerably more expensive than Lower.

I’ll list all tour options down below with relative prices (updated to 2020) but to give you an idea, a prime time Upper Antelope Canyon tour is about $80-100 including taxes, whereas you can visit Lower Antelope Canyon for about half that.

-It’s More Crowded

Everybody wants that iconic light beam picture for the ‘gram, right?

Upper Antelope Canyon is considerably more crowded compared to Lower – when we visited in winter it wasn’t too bad, but friends visiting in summer reported that they felt ‘herded around’ with little or no time to enjoy the sights.

-The Tour is Shorter

Upper Antelope Canyon is also about half as long as Lower Antelope Canyon – about 600 ft (200 meters) vs 1335 ft (430 meters). Tours last about an hour and a half, but this includes transportation to the canyon and back – you end up spending less than an hour into the actual canyon.

-You Need to Book in Advance

Upper Antelope Canyon is the better known and more photogenic option, which means tours are almost always fully booked. If you are visiting in summer and hope to visit at ‘prime time’ (i.e. between 11 am and 1 pm) to see the light beams, you’ll have to reserve your spot several months before.

Off season, you can get away with booking a few weeks in advance – we booked our Upper Antelope Canyon tour about 3 weeks before our visit, and got one of the last spots available.

If you’re a spontaneous traveller, or you’ve left planning too late, fear not – Lower Antelope Canyon is just as beautiful, even without light beams!

Upper Antelope Canyon Tours

The following companies offer Upper Antelope Canyon tours:

  • Antelope Canyon Tours – $69 for ‘prime time’ tour at 11.30 am, $54 for any other time
  • Adventurous Antelope Canyon – $151 for a 2 hour photography tour, $58 for for ‘prime time’ tour at 11.30 am, $54 for any other time
  • Antelope Canyon Navajo Tours – $80 adult, walk in only for prime time tours
  • Antelope Slot Canyon Tours by Chief Tsosie – $69 for ‘prime time’ tours at 10.30 and 11.30 am, $54 for any other time

What to see in Lower Antelope Canyon

It’s unfair to refer to Lower Antelope Canyon as ‘an alternative’ to Upper. True, it doesn’t have light beams – but in my opinion, it’s actually nicer, and a much more pleasant experience to visit.

Remember that Lower Antelope Canyon is ‘V’ shaped? This means that the canyon is brighter, and the sunlight hitting the wall created beautiful light effects on the wave-like sandstone formations. Let’s have a look at pros and cons!

Lower Antelope Canyon Pros

-It’s Longer

Lower Antelope Canyon is double the length of Upper, at 1335 ft (430 meters) vs 600 ft (200 meters). Tours last about 1.5 hour, same as Upper Antelope Canyon tours, but since they start only steps away from the ticket office, you’ll spend more time into the canyon itself!

-It’s Cheaper and Less Crowded

Lower Antelope Canyon is a better option for budget-minded travellers, since tours are quite a bit cheaper compared with Upper tours.

To make matters even better, Upper Antelope Canyon is also less crowded, and you can usually take your time and actually enjoy the place – if you visit off-season, that is.

Bear in mind that the pace is often brisk since tour operators are on a strict time schedule to avoid overcrowding!

-It’s the Canyon with Ladders

Lower Antelope Canyon is ideal for adventurous-minded travellers! The narrow bottom of the canyon due to its V-shape means you sometimes have to squeeze through narrow passages, climb over rocks and ladders.

Generally speaking, visiting Lower Antelope Canyon feels more like a hike, whereas the Upper tour is just a short walk.

Having said that, tours to Lower Antelope Canyon are 100% safe – we got a clear briefing beforehand on how to behave in the canyon and on the staircases to get in and out.

Our group included some older travellers in their 70s, so don’t think it’s going to be ‘too much’ for you – if you are in good physical conditions and can walk unaided for an hour and a half, you can totally visit Lower Antelope Canyon!

-There’s No Need to Book Months in Advance

Now, don’t get me wrong – you can’t just rock up in the middle of high season and book a Lower Antelope Canyon tour on the spot.

You may be able to get walk-in tickets in low season, but it’s still better to reserve your tour in advance – a week or so before your visit in low season should be ok, and maybe a month or two in high season.

Lower Antelope Canyon Cons

-There are No Light Beams

As our guide eloquently said, ‘Upper Antelope Canyon has the light beams, Lower Antelope Canyon has everything else’. Enough said!

-There are Stairs and It’s Quite Narrow

I guess this can be considered both as a benefit and a drawback, depending on what you’re looking for. Visiting Lower Antelope Canyon means you’ll have to climb and descend staircases, squeeze through narrow passages, and watch your step at all times.


Are you adventurous? Great – you’ll love Lower Antelope Canyon. Do you have mobility issues? Maybe opt for Upper Antelope Canyon instead!

Upper Antelope Canyon Tours

  • Ken’s Tours- Lower Antelope Canyon – $40 for the regular tour (max 10 people), $80 for the deluxe tour (max 4 people)
  • Dixie Ellis’ Lower Antelope Canyon – $40 for adults – we went with this company and had a wonderful guide called Danny, highly recommended!

Upper Vs Lower Antelope Canyon – The Verdict!

All in all, both Upper and Lower Antelope Canyon are worth visiting – however, given that tours are likely to cost a minimum of $50/60 with taxes and tips, most people will want to choose between the two.

Our pick would be Lower Antelope Canyon. Not only did we have a wonderful guide, we also thought that the experience was overall more enjoyable. The pace was slower, we spent more time in the canyon and were able to move at our own pace, but we did visit during low season, so peak times may be different.

Since our visit was in winter, we couldn’t see the big light beam effects that Upper Antelope Canyon is famous for. The tour was much shorter, and the guide seemed less passionate – but it’s still a beautiful place.

To sum up, if you are visiting Antelope Canyon just for pictures, then definitely head to Upper for one of the prime time tours, between March and November.

Otherwise, opt for Lower Antelope Canyon – you won’t regret it!

Lower vs Upper Antelope Canyon FAQ

Antelope Slot Canyon Upper Or Lowercase

Can You Go on a Self Guided Tour of Upper and Lower Antelope Canyon?

No, you can’t. Access is only allowed with a Navajo guide from one of the authorised operators listed above. This is because Antelope Canyon is on Navajo land, and because of the high likelihood of flash floods, which may hit in a matter of minutes.

Don’t try to be smart and trespass to save a few bucks. Not only is it disrespectful, it’s also illegal and very dangerous.

Can You See Upper and Lower Antelope Canyon in the Same Day?

You definitely can. Both canyons are located within 15 minutes from Page, and since tours only last about 1.5 hours, you can easily plan to visit Upper for one of the prime time tours, and visit Lower before or after.

It will be a very expensive day, setting you back about $150 for the two tours, not including tips – if you’re prepared to spend that much, then do it!

What’s the Best Time to Visit Upper and Lower Antelope Canyon?

To be honest, there’s no single answer to this question. Are you planning to visit Antelope Canyon to see the light beams and take dreamy pictures for your Insta? Then, your best bet would be visiting Upper Antelope Canyon between March and October, book a prime time tour, and pray for sunshine.

Otherwise, we recommend visiting Lower Antelope Canyon in the off season – between November and February. You’ll see no light beams, but you’ll be able to visit this natural wonder without having to jostle with the crowds, which will make your trip to this natural wonder really one to remember.